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AUTOR Glavom i Bradom |
Na ovom mestu od 01.06.2014 pa na dalje objavljivaću izvorni kod, primere i rešenja za izradu poslovnog softvera i softvera za knjigovodstvo u Xbase++ programskom jeziku ("Clipper like" jezik) i eXpress++ dodatnim bibliotekama za Xbase++ pisanim u Xbase++
Clipper pod Windowsom XP,7,8,Windows Server 2008
Clipper pod Windowsom je rođen. To je danas činjenica. Zahvaljujući izvrsnim programerskim alatima, "Clipper način pisanja programa", kao i stari Clipper izvorni kod nisu otišli na groblje programerske istorije. Takođe "Novi Clipper način pisanja programa" pokazao je sve svoje prednosti u brzom i efektnom pisanju poslovnih data-driven aplikacija.
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COBA Systems BAST Software |
Misija firme COBA Systems je razvoj i uvođenje informatike i računarskih informacionih sistema (IS) u preduzetničke firme u Srbiji i računarsko opismenjavanje što većeg broja preduzetnika i ostale populacije. Cilj ove misije je napredna i ekonomski i tehnološki jaka Srbija. Realizacija cilja se ostvaruje kroz proizvodnju poslovnog računovodstvenog softvera za potrebe Srpskih firmi, uskladjenog sa važećim propisima u Srbiji, uvođenje i inplementaciju tog softvera na računare preduzetničkih firmi i na obuku samih preduzetnika za upotrebu računara i softvera.

Alaska Xbase++ for Windows 32Bit and 64Bit operating systems
Developing applications in Clipper was productive but now Clipper means legacy. With Xbase++ you will get your language of choice – Clipper – with technology of Alaska Software to give developers unmatched compatibility, performance and features. In addition, Xbase++ offers Graphical User Interface programming and multi-threading in a unique easy way.
The best compatibility Xbase++ was designed to fully support Clipper features like preprocessor, code blocks, macro-evaluation, functions and commands, and to transform them to the world of 32-bit computing. Xbase++ provides a unique three-tier architecture in language for swift and effective application development. Whether you use commands or functions, the compiler transforms your code into the objects you need. And naturally the whole process remains ”hidden” from view. This has the great advantage that all features of the Xbase++ runtime library are realized using platform independent objects.
The Xbase++ compiler identifies a bunch of more errors than Clipper and increases this way productivity and quality of your projects. It also generates fast 32-bit native code, which allows the creation of native PE executables (EXE) and dynamic-link-libraries (DLL). Because of its true 32-bit architecture, Xbase++ applications can easily be deployed as CGI programs supporting a wide range of Web-Servers.
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Advantage Database Server ADS server for Xbase++ Advantage Database Server is a full-featured, easily embedded, client-server, relational database management system that provides you with Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) table-based and SQL-based data access. |
eXpress++ eXpress++ is the #1 Add-on product for development of Xbase++ applications |
04.06.2014 |